Thursday, April 23, 2009

Welcome to the Beginning of Something

There has been a chain of events that lead to the creation of this space.  Some have been in the making for years while others are only in the past few months and weeks.  At the same time how to the identify which ones lead to this?  

When I first created the blog I was unsure what it was for, what I would write, and frankly who would read it.  Maybe I would just write and post out into the world for nothing else then for my own therapeutic means.  A way for me to work through and process this idea of mindful and authentic parenting as well as being a creative soul and making a living at both.  Both are huge endeavors and need lots of thinking and writing through.  

The pregnancies and births of my children (Samuel; 2 and Liliana; 7 weeks) have been foundations of great and moveable change for me.  Sam launched me into parenthood blind and scared.  He rocked everything that I thought I understood and believed in.  All my relationships and most importantly my relationship with myself and the world around me.   Lily has taken me a whole step forward into something else completely.  

The new forward step began with receiving Mothering as a christmas present.  The first issue that I received was about crafty mama's.  Well it was as though the cover screamed my name.  inside I find women who are doing what I am so desperately trying to do.  Live as artists and mothers all at the same time and finding a beautiful balance.  I am taken by Amanda Blake Soule and purchase her book The Creative Family and devour it. I begin reading her blog each and everyday inspired more and more by what she says and lives each day.  I realize the there is this longing inside to move forward in me as a mother, woman, and artist.  I feel as though these things are not in balance, thus not creating balance in my life as well as the life of the family.  

Thus I am currently here; wading around in my thoughts and information.  Trying to create balance and be the creative mother, woman and soul that I feel so strongly to be.   Therefore I am devoting this year to finding it, striving for it and manifesting it.  While I also enjoy it, treasure it, and embrace it.  

Whatever IT may be

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