Monday, September 7, 2009

The Pumpkin Spice is back...Fall is here!

Long Weekends are the best. I am back with renewed sense of peace and motivation. I am resting the knee and hope to be back out running in no time. I am worried I will lose motivation and momentum but I am going to put my energies into come Yoga and Core Training. The goal date is coming up and I want to know I put my best effort into it. Plus I am loving every minute I am out there running! Who Knew?

The sale was great. We came home with money to make rent and so therefore I have less pressure in the studio this week. This will allow me to get the projects done that I need too without the money stress hanging over me, just the creative gods instead. September is turning out to be a busy month and I am going to need to ask for help in all the areas that I need. With the fall creeping up on us as well I am hoping to get the kids into a routine and therefore less chaos around the house. I rolling ebb and flow to our day is what I am attracting and going to strive for. The lazy days of summer are behind us and since the pumpkin spice latte is back at Starbucks this means that fall is here!

Apple picking, canning, freezing and harvesting. There are many great adventures that await us this fall.

On a side note: I had this moment today in the yard with the kids; Sam playing and laughing and Lily and I laying in the grass nursing. The sun was shining keeping the chill at bay and I thought to myself that this was one of those perfect moments. I took a second to record everything in my senses. The smell, the light, the sounds and the feeling that it gave me. I tucked it away in the memory bank to take out when I need it.
What moments have you tucked away recently?

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