Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daily Chores

With the start of a walking/running baby there has also been the start of the copy play.  Strange how I forgot the different stages and I am very much enjoying them the second time around.   Lily follows everyone around wanting to do what ever it is that they are doing.  She is very fond of the sweeping.  We have a small broom for the kids but she only wants the big one.  She struggles with it but is so happy with herself when she gets it unstuck and moving again.

I watch as she learns about the world around her forgetting that there are many things that she has not yet experienced.  Just the other day at the park she sat in amazement at sand, watching these special moments is humbling and makes me realize that I am just pushing through the day and not really looking at what is right here what little moments am I missing?  I am doing so much each day to prove that I am doing something, I am accomplishing something, it is o.k. for me to be home look at all the things I am doing.

I think it is this line of thinking that overwhelms me and actually freezes me in my tracks and the line of thoughts begins all over again.

The daily chores/thoughts of this life.

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