Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Truthful Tuesdays

See this hole.  We found it yesterday.  We have no idea how it got there.  After talking with Sam he came up with a very imaginative story as to how it got there, but alas, nothing that seemed to be possible.

We spent some time trying to figure it out.  We looked around the house for things that Sam may have gotten into and made the mark.  It is was an episode of CSI here.  In the end we figured that it matched the shape and size of a golf ball.  We are not too sure how he had the strength to make a hole in the door.   We guessed that it was shot with a hockey stick.  (Yes, my toddler can shoot that hard and that high)

It wasn't until after all this was figure out that we all turned to each other and realized that it would have made a load noise that none of us heard or saw it.  Meaning we may have not been around.  How did we miss that.  What where we doing and where were we?

Truthfully, I sometimes escape to the studio, the backyard, my room, or the shower to gain back a moment of sanity.  I sneak off so that no one notices, knowing that they are playing and the house is safe.  I am not watching 100% of the time.

Does this make me a neglectful parent or just normal?

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