Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Truthful Tuesdays

Truth.....  I yell.  Somedays I yell a lot.
I have always been a load person and yelling is what I do when I get overwhelmed, mad or frustrated.
I had always thought that when I became a parent that I would be this calm and patient Mama.  I am not too sure who I thought that going to come and parent my children.  Maybe I figured that when I birthed my children it was going to transform me into someone else. While it has changed in me in a lot of ways it doesn't change you into someone else.  So there are somedays when there is no yelling and being a Mama is exactly the fairy tale I thought it was going to be, and then there are other days when the reality of parent is more apparent.  The kids are tired, I am tired, one of them is pushing the limits and testing every ounce of my patience.  Sometimes I am just so overwhelmed with my name being called every 20 seconds for an hour straight that yelling is the only way to bring myself back to a manageable state.
At the end of the day there are kind words before bed and sometimes even a sorry or two from the kids and this Mama.

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