Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Dream Come True

There was a moment many years ago and I saw an ad in a pottery magazine with a picture of a woman with her wheel on the middle of the main street making pots. I thought to myself, Wow wouldn't that be amazing. Doing what I love in the middle of town for everyone to see!

Today I manifested that dream and was a participant at this years Fall Festival here in town and I had my wheel and made pots in the middle of the Main Street. It was the most amazing day. A beautiful fall day, the sun shining and the cool breeze blowing.

As I sat there making things with a huge crowd of watchers around me. I loved around and saw the love of my life standing with a smile of love and support on his face. As though he too understood what this moment meant for me and my dream of being a potter, a mother, a wife and artist. I was making my dream a reality. It may have taken us a while to get here but here we are together making it happen.

There have been moments here lately with some sick, some teething and another turning 3 next week and the transition that birthdyas bring about when I question what it is that I am doing and whether I am able to continue. Then I have this special glimse today as more and more people are touched and excited that I am offer classes and selling pottery here in town. As if no one else has ever done it and I am the potter who saves the day and brings pottery to Newmarket. I see friends and talk to many people and realize that I am a part of this community. For the first time I have a place somewhere and I am reminded that I am doing what I am suppost to do in the right place.

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