Sunday, September 19, 2010

#64 ~ make pasta sauce

Having married into an Italian family there is one thing that is always made from scratch and that is pasta sauce.  In all the years that I have been a part of the family I have never seen Paul's Mom cook with sauce from a jar.
Seeing as I now have an Italian Surname I thought I should embrace this a start making pasta sauce from bare bones.  It would allow me to put in the spices that we all enjoy as well as removing the preservatives that can be found in the store bought sauce.
Paul's Mom planted about 30 tomato plants this year and she and I will be making lots of sauce!
I decided to make a very simple sauce and then with each meal I would be allowed to add things based on what we were feeling that night for dinner.

First we washed
Then we simmered them on low for about an hour. 
Then we took a hand blender until smooth.  Then we added basil and salt.  
We then froze it in small containers for a meal.  This is a plain sauce but then we have the opportunity to add garlic and other spices as well as veggies depending on the meal.  

It was a success and there is lots more pots of sauce on the stove.  I am thinking we may be done with store bought sauce!

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