Monday, January 24, 2011

Wind Chill

In southern Ontario we are currently experiencing a cold snap.  This means that with the wind chill the temperature is close to -35 to 40 degrees celsius.  In other words VERY COLD!  We can feel every draft in the house, I am thinking of marking these spots so that we can better insulate, and we are covered in extra layers.  This also means that we are all starting to get a bit of cabin fever as going outside is really not an option.
So we have been trying to make the best of it.  Making soup (a great recipe I found here and it cooked up fast), making bread, playing board games, and watching a few of our favourite movies (truth be told if I have to watch Cars, How to Train your Dragon or another episode of Little Einsteins again I might just go crazy)
I have been trying to pass the time by knitting up a few things for the new babe (when finished I will post pics), as well as getting some much needed production done before the last round of lessons start next week.  I was able to make about 70 bowls this past weekend and hope to get to the goal of 130 before Thursday when I have a chiropractic appointment and the amazing Dr. Laura can get me all lined up again after hunching over the wheel for 5 days.
This time inside has also allowed the kids to create some illness.  There is lots of waking in the night with coughs, earaches and sore throats.  The day is filled with lots of tissues and fluids.  While I like to honour the time that the kids need to be sick and heal themselves it is not so great on the cabin fever!

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