Friday, March 4, 2011

Small Things

At week 25 I have been told to take it easy to try and minimize the intense Round Ligament Pain that I am experiencing with this third pregnancy.  Apparently these pains are worse the more pregnancies that you have as I just don't have the muscle strength to hold it all up and together.

Last night after a trip to the hospital to meet with my midwife to make sure that everything was just normal pregnancy pains, Paul has requested that I take it easy trying to rest as much as possible.
This means I am going to have to slow down. Does he know how difficult that is for me?  I feel the need to go, go, go so that I am able to feel like I am doing something with my day.  That when he comes home I can say I did this, this, and this today.  See it is great that I stay home, making me feel like I am valuable in some way.

So I am trying to realize that there is value in the small things that I am able to do.
Today I emptied the dishwasher and reloaded, put a chicken in the slow cooker, and tallied my expenses.  That's it!  I feel like I have done nothing, so I am trying to look at it from the perspective that technically dinner is more than half made.  Paul doesn't come home to a sink full of dishes, and I am ready to send the taxes off to the accountant.

Tomorrow I will do a few more small things, and the day after that a few more and maybe by the end of the week they will all add up to a lot of things done.

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