Thursday, May 28, 2009


This morning was like a sweet miracle, she fell asleep next to me.

The arrival of Liliana was nothing like I expected. Everyone told tales of the second baby that would be low key and calm because they would have to be as they were the second. Lily was not this baby! I have spent that last 9 weeks with a little girl that cried all day for the first 6 weeks. The only way to calm here was to swaddle or but her in the sling and bounce her on an exercise ball. So day after day I bounced. We bounced in every room in the house depending on which room people were in. We even take the ball with us to other peoples houses, we were not being without the ball as it was and is the only thing that works.

At 6 weeks I reached my emotional limit and Piper my amazing homeopath stepped in and we started working through things. With the right remedy Lily started to laugh and smile during diaper changes and she started to open her eyes. She even would sit with you and not cry for a few minutes. This times grew greater and longer inbetween the crying. We started to see hope of some sorts at the end of the long days of crying.

I of course could not see what was wrong. She had an amazing birth with loving, strong and spiritual woman in the room and her and I did it together. We loved and cared for her and have kept here inside this little home until she was ready. Why was she so stressed and anxious? They all tell me it is just life and coming into the world.

So here we are at 9 weeks and she is an amazing little girl. She laughs and "talks" to us and is even on the goal of finding her thumb in the next few days, she is almost there and it is so amazing to watch. I see the light at the end and know that soon I willbe seeing her crawling, walking and playing with her big brother and the crying will be a time in which her and I got to spend with one another. Growing and bonding and creating our connection.

1 comment:

apples for poppy anne said...

I fear that we are being spoiled with this easy-going, patient, calm, happy baby despite the horrible birth experience...Isn't it interesting how all babies are different...many people say she is an old soul...perhaps that plays a role.