Tuesday, May 26, 2009

seasonal change

i sit here bouncing and typing with one hand as i am determined to get typing done.  i have been trying for the past few days to get to the computer to type, it has not been successful.  on friday lily and paul stayed home together so that i was able to go out.  i pumped and got a bottle all ready should she need it, worried through out the night and came home to a beautiful girl who had slept the whole time not waking once.   however, since then she hasn't wanted to leave the sling!  

the weekend here was beautiful and we got out to start the saturday ritual of the local farmers market.  we picked up the food of the season; rhubarb and asparagus.  fresh asparagus is unlike anything else!  
this weekend was also garden planting time.  the boys worked hard at getting everything ready for the garden here at our new place.  there was a lot discussion as to plants, size and location.  in the end it was perfect. 

this was the first time that sam planted the seeds and was very excited to be a part of this rhythm of the seasons as well as the earth.  

in an effort to tap into these rhythms a group of us have been inspired by two books; The 100 Mile Diet and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.  as a result we are making a pledge and commitment to eat locally grown and produced foods for the next year.  while this seems like an overwhelming task it is also a way in which to teach my children about the earth, nature and who we effect this with everything that we do.  

the sleeping babe has awoken.

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