Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Love

Yesterday I awoke to find pink roses, a card and a little pink tiger next to my bed.   It was 11:00am and I jumped awake.  I start asking all the usual Mom questions... Where is Sam, what about Lily, have they eaten, when did you get the flowers? 
Paul tells me of their morning...  At the moment Sam is watching tv, Lily is sleeping, everyone has had breakfast and a snack, and that morning he had packed them both up, went to the store, he and Sam picked out cards and got the flowers (he also tells of being in the card aisle with 4 other men on Valentine's morning getting cards, the others impressed as Paul was there with the two little kids).

I thank him for letting me sleep in and get up for breakfast to find another card from Paul (the first was from the kids) as well as potted mini roses.  Sam came running to wish me a Happy Valentines and asked now that I was awake could he have a snack and play hockey.  (we try and keep the hockey playing in the kitchen to a minimum while people are sleeping)

We spent the rest of the day watching the Olympics and having a quiet day at home.  We are really enjoying watching Canada win medals as well as watching the different sports.  Everyone is learning so much.  The exposure that Sam is getting to the different sports is amazing to watch.  He asks questions and wanted to know if he could wear the speed skates while playing hockey! 

This weekend allowed for a lot of knitting to get done. 

Paul's Valentine's Hat
It doesn't cover his eyes but the roll hides the cables a little.

A new hat for Sam

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