Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Endings and Beginnings

Last Friday was Sam's Preschool Graduation Ceremony and yes this Mama cried!   It was a short but special ceremony that marked the end of the kids time at Grace Church Daycare and embraced the beginning of a new step in the kids lives.  In September Sam will be going to Junior Kindergarden at the Public School or what we refer to as 'Big School'.
I remember choosing Grace when Sam was just a year old.  I had been to many different centers, home care and everything in between and never felt like I has comfortable leaving Sam, until I walked through the doors at Grace.  I knew instantly that it was the place for our family.  It felt like one large family and we were embraced the moment we got there.  We have made some great friendships with staff and other families and I am a little sad to see Sam leave.  (Lily is still on a waiting list to get a spot)

The ceremony was beautiful with a slide show of the kids with moments of their time at the center.  I forgot just how little Sam used to be.  I cried as I watched my little guy at he sat proudly at the front of the room and marched up get this 'diploma'.  He had this super huge smile on his face the whole time.
I just feel like he grew before my eyes and I missed it.  That one moment it was just he and I in the middle of the night nursing in the dim lights of the house and the next he is this amazing little boy.

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