Monday, February 28, 2011

Dreaming of Summer Nights

Image from Home and Garden

As the snow falls again this morning, I am dreaming of summer nights.  Of the time I will spend under the stars and lights with my new little babe in my arms.  Of nights laughing and sharing next to the fire comforted and warmed by the flames.  Of long summer days of running, sliding, swinging, falling and getting back up, afternoons in the pool, and adventures created.
Of a vegetable garden tended and cultivated by our hands and food exploding with flavor.  Knowing that the food was grown with love and care.   Teaching the kids about nature and growth.
Long walks in the dying sunlight, children deep in slumber that only long summer days and nature can bring, and the strange rhythm that summer brings and works so well for everyone.
But for now we are covered in a new blanket of snow.

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